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Programs are vital to our mission. Each program seeks to address a core communal need and create an actionable way to address and fulfill that need. Through education, empowerment and empathy, The Trauma Zone seeks to empower communities all over the City of Chicago. 


 *Each of these programs could not be possible without the support of those who believe in our mission. To donate, please click the donation link at the bottom of this page. 


Diaper December Drive

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This year The Trauma Zone has the amazing opportunity to provide families in need to relieve financial stress this holiday season. 

We understand that December can be financially difficult for families, especially for the families of single mothers. Many families have to choose between baby necessities or Christmas essentials and gifts. We seek to alleviate that burden, so that families can enjoy Christmas!

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Project Angel Tree

This year The Trauma Zone has the amazing opportunity to partner with The Angel Tree Foundation to spread some Christmas cheer! 

Project Angel Tree is a prison ministry organization that partners with incarcerated parents to ensure that their children are not forgotten this holiday season. 

So where do you come in? You partner with us by adopting one or more children and purchasing a Christmas gift on behalf of their incarcerated parent. We then deliver the gifts so that the children can wake up on Christmas morning knowing that their parent did not forget about them! 



Project #HealedSummer 

This summer we are launching a summer yoga series. This series seek to provide a space for our community to heal their bodies and their mind. Our first class begins on June 26, 2022 @ 10am. 


Sign Up Here: Yoga in The Park 

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The Heal Anyway Community Fund 

Trauma responds to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causes feelings of helplessness, and diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel a full range of emotions and experiences.

Studies show that many people experience trauma that stems directly from their childhood and can impact their lives from childhood to adulthood. 

This fundraiser raised $2,000 to cover the costs of counseling/healing sessions for parents of color in need. Each parent was partnered with a licensed/counselor or healer, and The Trauma Zone covered the bill. We understand that COVID has put a stressor on many parents, and to ensure that children are loved and safe, parents also need to feel loved and be safe. We understand that addressing stressors and traumas is a way to do so. 

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